Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Displaced Anger

How many times have we blamed others for our unhappiness? Recently, I was corrected when God showed me my current frustration with my children wasn't truly theirs to bare. However, I hadn't dealt with my own inadequacies. I had not forgiven myself for past failures or mistakes. Therefore, I intensified the magnitude of their mistakes. I should have extended love and helped them work through their decisions and learn from them.  So they next time you are angry, figure out why.


  1. yes i feel as if we direct are angry to those who don't need it but to the people who do we leave i say no more

  2. Ugh I can say i never allow anything some one says to anger me but i feel i direct my anger to others instead of the other person because im scared of the result of what might happen so i hurt the ones i love

  3. I believe often times we are first so disappointed in our own selves, but instead of acknowledging the root cause of our anger,dealing with it and forgiving ourselves; we pass it on, picking on any little thing becaue it seems easier. Dealing with root issues arent always the easiest thing to do, but its so well worth doing, or else we destroy many relationships(child-parent, husband-wife, employee-manager/co-worker, or friendships)even though we may not mean to.
