Thursday, March 31, 2011

Labor of Love

RealTalkRealWomen have been in a 40 day consecration through which God has been revealing Himself daily.  Today we learned what it meant to travail in prayer with God's special people. I am so grateful to be apart of this great experience. No amount of money in the world can give you the fulfillment you will recieve when you witness God free His people. This is what it is all about. Are you really ready to see people free? Free from low self-esteem and insecurities, heartache, disappointments and all manner of things that hold us down.  Start by travailing in prayer for those people and don't stop till they get the victory.  Amen. Be blessed and touch someone's life today through prayer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Procrastination vs. Waiting on the Lord

How do you know when doing nothing is procrastination or waiting on God? I ask the Lord today, because I know this is what most believers struggle with trying to decipher.  So I researched the scriptures. I found many that encourage us to wait and then I look that the context they were wrote in. I saw that writer exalted us to wait when being oppressed or weak in place of  moving in our feelings or flesh.  Then I compared them to scriptures that admonished us that God orders the steps of the righteous. He blesses us and everywhere our foot shall tread.  God leads, but to be lead you must be moving.  Fear of making mistakes leads to procrastination.  Did not God promise that all things will turn around for our good? So wait on the Lord to strengthen you when feeling weak or seems that you are being attacked on every side and want to retaliate.  However, trust the Lord that when you move He moves and guides you along the path.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Resolving Conflict

Resolving conflict, God's way requires real love and discipline. He instructs us to go to the person in love that we have had a disagreement with and keep the matter private.  Many times we vent or gossip to others before giving the individual a chance to correct the problem. If in the private meeting, the individual refuses to try to work out the situation then we are advised to get 2-3 witnesses or mediators. That means truly neutral and loving people who want to promote peace in the situation. After you have done all this and your brother or sister still refuses to resolve the issue then you are to consider them no longer family. Now there is difference between inability to see eye to eye and someone not trying to work it out. There will be times where there is no compromise, however, our love for remaining friends or family should outshine the disagreement. However, if someone refuses to acknowledge there is a problem or refuse to talk then that person should be left alone.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Greatest Accomplishment

Today, I was overwhelmed with sorrow. I kept hearing the song I Give Myself Away. I didn't understand what He was trying to tell me. He showed me I was trying hard to accomplish things but I didn't realize I had already completed my greatest accomplishment. I had surrendered to Him and when I give myself to Him completely I am victorious. No amount of education, wealth, physical fitness or relationship can give me what God does. I had to repent because I pushed these same things on my kids as priorities. Yes, these are good but God is the greatest priority. As a parent, the best thing I can do is introduce my kids to their Creator. So, world I am taking myself out of the rat race and giving myself completely to God, who is my best accomplishment.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Cheer Leader

To be a true leader you naturally become a cheerleader. A leader's job is to inspire and motivate others to grasp on to the vision. To see themselves in the vision. This means also that a leader must have a vision that encompasses everyone. I remember days back in school when our Southwest Indian cheerleaders would yell, jump and scream to get us to catch the team spirit. They wore the school colors and exhibited the school pride. Leaders become the team mascot, they must wear the colors of teamwork and be compassionate.  There is a saying that goes you attract more bees with honey than vinegar. Leaders can get more accomplished when they lead with love than orders. So motivate your followers, let them know they apart of the dream and no success is real success without the help of all the team.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Whose report will you believe?

Everybody tells you who you are. Even your parents try to give you guidance on who you are. You have thoughts on who you are. However, who are you? Does your past give you insight of who you are? Negative. Your past gives you the story of what you have become. Struggling with issues of the past can become tiresome and absorb too much valuable time. Yes, recognizing what you have become will give direction to which way you need to go.  Ultimately you need to go the the source to find out what you are. Don't let circumstances, people, or your past tell you who you are.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This was the inspiring message I heard this morning as I dropped my daughter of to daycare. I am not from here. How true! This is not my home and since it is not I not going let this life worry me. I am headed to a better place than here. While I am passing through I will enjoy as many sights that I see and make friends. However in the end, I am not from here!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Time of Release

How many times have you wounded with your words? Or held someone captive with your thoughts? If you believe that God is real then you must believe that what He says is real. According to God our words are powerful. We have people walking around with curses on the life because of us.  Do we think that God will honor only parts of His word. Yes, even though we are saved people; we can still have ill wishes that hinder us. Still God promises us that it won't prosper. Why? because He will reveal the source and allow us to make amends. Maybe that person was hurt by us and needs to hear a sincere apology in order to let us go. Maybe we need to let go of the people who hurt us.  Salvation doesn't guarantee deliverance, just that we have reserved our place in Heaven. Deliverance comes from abiding in His word and gaining Truth that frees us. However, Truth must be acted on in order to make the difference.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Selfish love

I recall a statement a ex made to me that I didn't care about him. I thought how I absurd. I had been faithful. I had been long-suffering and giving him my all. However, I didn't direct him to God. I was too selfish wanting him to please me, be loyal to me and think about me. I blamed him for making me hurt. Me, me, me. What about God? Every man has a soul or did I not think his was not worthy of salvation. Did I really think I was his Saviour? For it is not my curves that maintain a man's attraction. It is not the warmth of my thighs around his waist that sustains his desires nor is it my down home cooking that fills his appettite. It is the love of Jesus that stops a man from searching, but I was too selfish to let him see Jesus. I wanted him all to myself. How have you been selfish? Maybe he wouldn't be a baby daddy if we had introduced him to a real Daddy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Surrender! Submit!

These are the two most dreaded words in my vocabulary.  I can't take all the credit for society taught me that this symbolizes weakness. So I gladly rid them from my characteristics. I am Lion, hear me ROAR!!! Yep, that's me.  However, God had a different plan for mankind. We can only be conquerors when we totally submit and surrender to Him.  He amazes me more each day when He requires me to do the opposite and in order to gain what I want. Think on that.........Ok, thought over.  What are you still trying to run in your life? What is still not being submitted to God? Don't allow two words: Surrender and Submit DEFEAT you. Remember you ain't no punk so this shouldn't be a challenge:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free to Love

Imagine living in a world where birds chirped, rainbows highlighted the sky and you where walking on clouds. Sounds like a dream. Actually you can experience this, if you allow yourself to fall deeply in love with God. You can experience this piece of Heaven on Earth. The more you lavish love on Him. The more open you become to love and attract real love in your path.  Remember you attract what you are. Be free to love God and let love come to you:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Despite our circumstances, God stays the same. He is pleased when we worship. Worship is not limited to a song or music. Worship is a lifestyle.  Worship is devoting our whole existence to Him. I remember hearing a preacher say praise magnifies God and makes our problems appear smaller. Refocus your day and get an attitude of worship!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Truth is not a doctrine or a phrase or a word. Truth is God and God is Truth.  God embodies all that is. In order for us to partake of this, we must partake of Him. Our finite minds cannot conceive this because our thinking is limited. Our research finds it hard to comprehend anything that is absolute and free from our humanly limitations. Though we strive long and hard for truth we never obtain it. Truth can not be obtained.  It has no shape, color or characteristics. For God can not be described,  He surpasses all of His creation. How can we use it to illustrate Him? Truth is realized through simpleness of Faith. Faith that insults the proud and learned man but encourages the wise and humble.  Yet, with all our abilities, mankind cannot duplicate what Truth is. Truth can only be experienced.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Unseen World

Many times we forget the effect of the things we don't see.  We aren't sympathetic to the emotional scars or the wounded heart of the people who irritate us because we don't see them.  That child that is acting out in the classroom, can you see the rejection that is in his/her heart? Do you visualize the pain he/she must feel to have to strike out in hopes of relieving the burden?  The bible says, the things that we don't see are permanent and it is what we do see that is temporary. So the pretend smile and the words that say it is okay is just a farce that hides the long-lasting turmoil that will never be revealed through carnal eyes.  How do we take notice to this unseen world that greatly affects are daily lives? By seeing through our spiritual eyes we can discern what a person is truly saying. We will begin to speak and act differently knowing the outcome of our behavior. Remember we are mind, soul and body. What is done to the body will heal itself. However, what is done to the mind and soul is permanent.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


"Faith is a state of mind which may be induced, or created by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principal of autosuggestion.  Refirmation of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith" (1937, Think & Grow Rich, Naopleon Hill).

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, but, without fatih it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIm.  Therefore do not cast away your confidence (hope), which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Hebrew 10:35-36 & 11:1&8, Devotional Bible for Women).

Last night the Women of RealTalk RealWomen attended a fashion show and there was a women of inspiration by the name of Zee. She told her story of when she was little girl how she loved jewerly and fashion and throughout her life the feeling never left but grew stronger.  She didn't know how she was going to make her dreams come true but even as a little girl she had faith that God would show her the way.  Because of her faith she now has Zee Wear, her own line of fashion and we had the priviledge of buying one of her pieces each, which were all lovely. The point of this story is to encourage anyone who has a dream, seek God, have faith and watch him make your dreams become reality.  Yes, it may get rough at times, but speak those things as if they were and do not lose faith but hold on cause your time is just around the corner. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time of Preparation

The time of preparation can be tough.  First, God purges you from all the things that had been weighing you down. Then you start to feel better and before you know you are living better. That's when discipline comes in handy.  The new you makes you feel invincible and you may begin to move ahead of God. However, don't jump out before it's time. The premature move could place you right back to the beginning of your preparation again.  So don't rush, enjoy it!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Right Motivation

Having the right motivation is important. Many times we are motivated by unresolved issues that point us in a direction opposite of our purpose. Once we achieve these goals we find that is not satisfying and then we go again chasing another goal.  To our surprise we do not find happiness again.  We are just like the hamster inside the wheel. We stay busy accomplishing things but never finding peace. We must uncover what is motivating us and deal with it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Be Grateful

I hear an Ole Gospel song "Be Grateful" by Walter Hawkins reminding me that there is someone else that rather be in my shoes. How many times do we take for granted what God already has done for us. Yes, life may not be perfect, but we are truly blessed. Your problems may not appear to be so big if you noticed other people struggling around you too. Remember to stop seeing narrowly and notice everyone Else's situations. Realize that you have a lot to be thankful for. God promise He never forsake you and He has done just that if you take time to appreciate everything.  Now, Love Harder, Love Stronger and Love Gratefully!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Live, Love and Laugh

Every day life presents new challenges. Everyone is so busy. What drives us to function? Is love, recognition or success.  We need to get back to the basics.  Pull yourself out of the rat race and embrace the fullness of life.  Remember life is to be lived.  Enjoy the time you have as if it is precious above all treasures. Love on one another. Stay focus on what really matters. When you reach the end of the road will you be satisfied?  So live, love and laugh!!! That's what matters.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are you malfunctioning?

Are you living just to exist? Do you continue to stay busy but go nowhere?  Have done what you were created to do? or Is your life summed up with work just to finish the day with a cold drink and a party on the weekend?  They say you should stop to smell the roses. I say you should stop to learn your purpose. One can't truly be successful if it not fulfilling it's purpose. A coffeemaker isn't successful even if it produces the best milkshake if that was not it's intended purposed. This is called a malfunction. How many people are malfunctioning? Yes, you achieved something good but it not what God intended for you to do. Listen for the voice of God and read His word. Stop malfunctioning and do what God created you to do!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Seeing through God's eyes

I recently held my teen mentor session and the remarks the boys were making were offensive to women. I couldn't believe how they were feeling. I felt discouraged that I couldn't get through to this boys. Then God woke me early the next morning and showed me a scared boy filled with fear and rejection. He told me to tell them He knew them in the womb and has great plans for them. He reminded me that you know the tree by the fruit that it bears. If that tree is bearing hurt that is because it growing from hurt. These boys needed me and needed me to see them as God see them. That scared little boy needed a great big God to tell them it was going be okay and that I got you. We are the representatives of God. How can we represent God when we don't see like He sees?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Parenting and Providing

Parenting can be tough.  Many times, parents get caught up in the grind of providing things.  We lose sight that our children need us to parent.  I know teens act as if they know it all and pretend to want your opinon.  The truth is they are scared and need your help.  Don't miss an opportunity to be apart of their life!!!! Even if their major crisis right not is choosing what outfit to wear. Make sure your available to offer your advice.  Yes, they need the provisions that you provide, but they need you even more.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Maintaining a healthy YOU

Sometimes life throws you a curve that can leave you wounded.  How do you get on after such a blow? Remember everything is temporary.  Trust that God would never put more on you than you can bare.  FORGIVE...This is so important!!!  Don't hinder your growth to extract revenge!! Learn from the experience.  What things could you done different? What have you learned about yourself? Where there any signs that you ignored? Now make the necessary changes and go forth into your next situation.  Believe that just as you mastered your last downfall that you will be able to overcome any new challenges.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Accepting others

Jesus commanded that we forgive even as He has forgiven us. But why do we still hold grudges? We expect people to change. Forgiveness means I accept you for who you are and chose not to hold it against you. People will never live up to all your expectations, however neither do we. Try to remember how much we miss Jesus' expectations of us, yet He still loves and forgives us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Why is it that people are so fake? When you ask how some one is doing they immediately reply, I'm good.  Is that the truth? God never called for independent folk. Throughout His Word He called for unity. He said when two or three are gather together in my name, I will be in the mist. He commanded us to intercede for one another. How can we do this if everyone putting on a front? We got to change our thinking!!! God does not work like man. Perfect love cast out all fear. Do you really believe that no weapon formed against you shall prosper? If so be real and trust that God got your back and open up, God uses people to fulfill His purpose. Stop looking for an angel to speak directly to you. God's got a word in the neighbors mouth if you be transparent.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Displaced Anger

How many times have we blamed others for our unhappiness? Recently, I was corrected when God showed me my current frustration with my children wasn't truly theirs to bare. However, I hadn't dealt with my own inadequacies. I had not forgiven myself for past failures or mistakes. Therefore, I intensified the magnitude of their mistakes. I should have extended love and helped them work through their decisions and learn from them.  So they next time you are angry, figure out why.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Income Cap on Social Security Benefits

The United States is spending out of control. Politicans know sometimes must be done about Medicare and Social Security Benefits, however, nobody will dicuss. Some ideas have been to make it have a salary cap and increase the age requirements. This reminds me of a E! True Hollywood Story where they were going over Hugh Heifner's finances. One of his monetary incomes that he recieves is Social Security Benefits.  I know we pay into it so we can have money when we retire, but where do we draw the line?  Should people in this income bracket forfeit the social security. The money he is recieving from the government is a drop in the bucket compared to what he brings in on his own. What are your thoughts?