Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hello there my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Now, read the title once again. Seems simple enough right? Who you pray to is who you live for. Think about it a little more this time......i'll wait.

I dont know who you pray to, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. So when we rise up and call on the name of the Lord, it sets the atmosphere and prepares our minds to begin our day with the things of the Lord. Everything that happened the day before is washed away and the task at hand is before us. Its at the point of prayer that we relinquish our Will and take on the Will of God. We begin to move throughout the day in the steps that God has set before us. Living for Him, we strive to make the right decisions for the day. Not concerned about what others may think or how the view who they think we are or why we do what we do, because who we have prayed to is who we are living for.

Now think of this. What if we dont pray??? Who do we live for then? When we do not pray than know that someone else is PREYing. We set ourselves up to unconsciously pray to our enemy when we do not pray to God. Our lack of communication with the Father tells the enemy, "hey, im uncovered today..what would you have for me to do for YOU today? what would you have for me to dwell on? Who would you like for me to cuss out today?..What temptation would you have for me to fall into today?"...You get what im saying? We have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, i say there is something far more important than a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of coffee...and that is PRAYER. Not just the fact that you pray...but WHO you pray to.
"Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of Heaven..."
Be Blessed!

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