Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Good Morning brothers and sisters!
Wew Lord! God is so deep and His revelation is indescribable!
How many of you have said this?.." I would never do that", " SMH, i dont see how someone could do that, i may have done this but THAT...that is a shame!" "I'm not THAT bad..he is off the chain for that one!"
Sound familiar to you? Ever heard the saying, "Never say Never??"..well God took that a step further this morning. Often times we look around at people and we compare ourselves and behaviors to theirs, and by doing this we get a sense of where we are on the good citizen, wife, husband, daughter, or employee meter. Mary goes out every weekend and leaves her husband home with the kids..i dont do that so im a good wife. Joe has been coming in late every always 10 minutes early so i should get promoted. Her child is constantly in glad mine know how to act in public. All the while God is saying ..HA!...COMPARED TO WHO AND WHOS STANDARD DO YOU BRAG??
"You may not go out every weekend like Mary does but you still have not gotten rid of the ungodly conversations with other men like i told you to. Yes Joe may come in late every day but what about those office supplies and tools that you sneak home every night? Sure their children get sent home from school for fighting and disrupting the class, but yours curse YOU out and do NOT do anything you ask them to."
If you place a candle in a dark room, the room will appear lighter..but if you flip the light switch on..your candle is nothing bout a dim flicker.
God is saying when you compare your self to this wicked carnal world and its standards you just may appear better. But when you compare yourself to MY standards and MY holiness that i require, you're still as filthy rags.
Dig deeper today, dont be the one who gains the world's respect by "good" deeds, and yet loses his soul because you've measured with the wrong ruler. You dont want to meet God face to face, saying "that i deserve to go in because i was a good person" and hear God say...HA! ....COMPARED TO WHO?? There is MORE that He requires of US!


  1. Love it !! We all need to exam ourselves. It is easy to look at another situation to make us feel better about self. God wants us to pray for one another not have a compare and contrast contest.

  2. Even if you dont do the obvious sins..God still see's the secret ones that occur in your heart and mind. The secret lustful desires that no one knows about but you and Him. Secretly wanting to touch little boys and little girls. That hatred you feel towards someone that you never told anyone about. How you wish some one would just get sick and die. Come on now, lets get real with God about it! That husband/wife that you wish you had, feeling like their spouse dont deserve them..that if they were yours you'd would treat them a whole lot better. You attend church every time the doors open..but are secretly wanting to take the pastors place. That stuff that WE as people cant see but God see's and knows all about.
