Good Morning All!
This is the day that the Lord has made...let us ALL rejoice and BE glad IN IT!
Today i was thinking about a conversation that my sister and I had had some time ago. We were discussing a future show topic and she said something that really made a lot of sense. We were talking about some things that we as women, or even sometimes men, desire out of our mates. Like for instance, if your mate isnt sensitive enough to your feelings, or if you're not feeling loved like you want to, or even if you are not being financially provided for like you feel you should. And it was like the light bulb came on...what she had said was like God himself standing there asking "what am i...chopped liver or something??" "am I NOT enough?" " Do i not supply all of your needs?" "Do i not love you unconditionally?" "am I not ALWAYS there when you need someone to talk to or to give you a shoulder to cry on?"...we seek these things from our spouses, and dont get me wrong there's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved and provided for, but God is saying IF they dont why are you so upset? We push God away and place man in His place not realizing that NO MAN amounts to Him and that as long as we continue to look for what only HE can provide limitless and consistently in MAN, than we will NEVER be satisfied. So, He gets to the point where he says, "ok...go ahead and go after their limited and selfish form of'll be back. And yes, go ahead and depend on their bank accounts..that i provide for them anyway. Go right on ahead and keep wishing they understood you when they dont even see you the way I do." "Go ahead my will be back, and yet and still the difference between Me and them..i'll ALWAYS be here waiting to love you even the more."
God IS love my brothers and sisters. We have to keep him first and in the forefront of our lives. We have to give Him our hearts desires and allow Him to fulfill EVERY need. We have to stop putting others/flesh/man in His place. Unless we truly understand that He IS all we need..we'll forever be chasing a fantasy. We'll NEVER be satisfied.
Be Blessed