Friday, July 8, 2011

Starting over MEANS starting over

This morning in prayer and scripture, we learned in Psalms 53, that there was a point where God had searched and couldnt find one person who truly sought after him. Now being the creator that He is, He very easily could have wiped everyone off the face of the earth and started over. Well He didnt. Instead He came down from heaven and wrapped himself in flesh and made what was wrong right. He gave us another chance. He made the ultimate sacrifice and for that we ought to be grateful! How many times in your life had you wanted to just throw up your hands and say "thats it! i quit! DO OVER!"? Nothing is going quite as you planned so you just give up and start over again. Some of you have; marriages, jobs, children, dreams, businesses, and goals, that may not be working as planned and you have decided to just give up and start over. That i do understand, been there done it and may even feel the same way too. But one thing i have learned this morning is starting over truly means starting over. It doesnt promise that things will be better, and nor does it promise that you wont face the same issues again. It just means you will be starting things over again. From the beginning. However, the process that God is wanting to take you through will still need to be fulfilled. You may start a different job, divorce and remarry, have more children, start a new business...BUT the process will still be the same process. You may have been more than half way through the process, but now you have to start over from the beginning because you failed to make the sacrifice. Whether its the sacrifice of love, patience, long suffering, peace, forgiveness, or understanding. Whatever it may be, wouldnt it be wiser to get it right the FIRST time, than to spend life starting it all over again?? God made the ULTIMATE sacrifice. What He's asking you to do compared to what He gave up is nothing. I pray that God has ministered to you today, that you will think for a it worth starting over, just to begin the same process over again? Starting over MEANS starting over.
"Those that wait on the Lord..HE SHALL renew their strength"
Be blessed!

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