Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Im angry...Im hurt...Im bitter...Im disappointed...all because of what someone else has done.
Me, me me me...all these statements sound a bit selfish. They even sound a bit superficial. We validate these feelings based off of the obvious things that we and others can see. Now dont get me wrong, im not saying that we are wrong for FEELING these feelings, and i believe God created all feelings. He even told us that it was OK to be angry, however, not to allow anger to cause us to sin. Meaning, ok, because i made you flesh i have made you able and capable of feeling...yet dont allow your feelings to control your life. Dont dwell so much on how you feel that it leads you away from the will of God. Your feelings can be very deceiving, only focusing on whats going on ON the surface. Its whats going on UNDER the surface that has more meaning and its whats going on UNDER the surface that God wants from you. Under the surface may be stubbornness, selfishness, arrogance, jealousy, envy, self righteousness, and an unwillingness to yield YOUR will for His. (etc)..your below the surface may not be mine and mine may not be yours. Today i challenge you, along with myself, to go deeper...ask God to show you whats lying beneath the surface. Be honest with yourself and God about those characteristics that are not pleasing unto him. Stop shifting the blame and dont allow those things to be the cause of you missing eternity with our Heavenly Father.
Be Blessed!

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because i have refused him. For the Lord does NOT see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
I Samuel 16:7

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