Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Imagine, those of you who have children, one of them coming in the house crying and trying to get out that someone was either bullying them or picking on them. What would be your initial response? Most of you would immediately get angry just from the site of your child so hurt. Most of you would jump up and start to head out the door to confront the bully. But there are a few of you who may just hold your child and say it's ok, I'm sure it's not that bad. Now, imagine how much our Heavenly Father loves US, HIS children?? How do you suppose He'd react to seeing His child hurt and bullied? Don't you know that God would defend you at all cost?! Those people in your way, constantly stirring up strife and confusion. Those people who live only to keep your past before you. Those people who make it their daily business to sow seeds of discord around you. Those people who prey on you and dig ditches just so you can fall. Those people who lie on you. And those who do all they can to disrupt your home. Daddy is not pleased with how you have been treating HIS children! No one is any match for His wrath. Humble yourself before God and repent, lest you find yourself in a world of trouble. When you speak against HIS children, you speak against Him. "Touch NOT my anointed..and do my prophet NO harm!" sayth the Lord.

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