Friday, May 20, 2011
Are your afraid of sucess?
We are blessed beyond measure. We ar God's children and he promised us life, prosperity, wealth, health, the ability to speak to our circustance and most of all he gave us all gifts. Gifts that some of us don't even know we possess. Gifts that others see but we can't see in ourselves. If we would only believe in the promises of the Father and have confident in ourselves and the things in which we believe, change the way we think and cast out all fears, then and only then will we be able to walk in victory and recieve those things God has promised us. What is keeping you from being successful? Fear! Fear of failure, fear of not being accepted, fear of what others may think, fear of speaking in front of others, fear of being successful. As of today, take back the desires of your heart and move forth in faith. If you have just a little bit of faith, the size of a mustard seed is all God is asking, which is not a lot, then will he move and he will give you the desires of your heart if they are according to His purpose and will for you. Stop being afraid and let God have his way in you so you can inherit the many blessing God has for you and claim your success today.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Imagine, those of you who have children, one of them coming in the house crying and trying to get out that someone was either bullying them or picking on them. What would be your initial response? Most of you would immediately get angry just from the site of your child so hurt. Most of you would jump up and start to head out the door to confront the bully. But there are a few of you who may just hold your child and say it's ok, I'm sure it's not that bad. Now, imagine how much our Heavenly Father loves US, HIS children?? How do you suppose He'd react to seeing His child hurt and bullied? Don't you know that God would defend you at all cost?! Those people in your way, constantly stirring up strife and confusion. Those people who live only to keep your past before you. Those people who make it their daily business to sow seeds of discord around you. Those people who prey on you and dig ditches just so you can fall. Those people who lie on you. And those who do all they can to disrupt your home. Daddy is not pleased with how you have been treating HIS children! No one is any match for His wrath. Humble yourself before God and repent, lest you find yourself in a world of trouble. When you speak against HIS children, you speak against Him. "Touch NOT my anointed..and do my prophet NO harm!" sayth the Lord.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Spending time alone with God is essential for your well-being. It is not a luxury or an option; it is a necessity. Therefore, do not feel guilty about taking time to be with God. Remember that satan is the accusers of the believers. He delights in heaping guilt feelings upon you, especially when you are enjoying Gods Presence. When you feel satans arrows of accusation, you are probably on the right track. Use your shield of faith to protect yourself from him. Talk with God about what you are experiencing, and ask Him to show you the way forward. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "Come near to Me, and i will come near to you." says the Lord.
May 15th daily devotion from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
Be Blessed
May 15th daily devotion from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
Be Blessed
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Affirming your Future!
Our last post asked, "why is the devil so popular?" Why is that we give him the power and authority to rule over us and our lives, over our children and our family lives. Instead of dwelling over what isn't, what we don't want, what we don't have, how unhappy we are, being focused on other people blessings and worried about other people and why their life is better than ours, how come they have and we don't, or looking down on others, making them feel less of a person, not fitting into your world and trying to change them to think and be more like you. All of these things are falling out of God's will and right into the hands of the enemy (devil). But Jesus said, "peace be still." That means shut your mouth, keep our mouth off of people,stop internalizing and over analyzing things, mind your own business, worry about yourself, stop trying to defend yourself, but let God fight your battle and ask God to reveal to you what his purpose is for you, so that you too can be blessed. We are all different so your life will not be the same as mines or others. Don't allow your mind to be in all of the wrong places and focusing on what you don't want but, start to affirm what you do want in your life, claim those things that are not as if they were, start to praise God for the unseen, praise him for the things that will come, claim your victory now. Don't worry about what isn't or what is right now but start affirming a new thing, God said, "I am doing a new thing." So let him move in your life, your relationship with Him, at work, in school, in your marriage, with your children, your parents, in your home, start affirming life and that more abundantly. God is waiting to give us blessing, exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can think, ask or even imagine, our cup runs over that we have no room receive. This is the type of prayer that should be in our heart each and every day. As we begin to proclaim and affirm what we want then will we receive. Stop glorifying the devil, never be defeated again, and affirm your future today!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Have you notice that most of us wake up thinking, "i better pray so i can be ready for what the day brings(negatively)" " oh...i better make sure to put on the whole armor of God so that i can with stand the firey darts"..."..well the devil is busy today"....although it is true that we must be watchful and pray..but what about what God is doing?? We prepare ourselves for the devil but God is saying "behold i do a new thing..will you not notice it?" We dont notice what HE is doing because we are always focused on what the devil is doing all the time. Why do we make him such a priority?! There are so many things and blessings that God is trying to give and do for you today, will you not notice it??? Prepare your mind and heart to receive from Him. I EXPECT A MIRACLE "EVERY DAY!" Today make Gods blessings a priority. HE gets the popularity vote!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And the greatest of these is LOVE. Have you ever heard that sometimes we are our worse critics? Or we are our own enemies? Well the bible commands us to love even our love yourself. YES, today's command is that you take time to look in the mirror and admire, adore, and appreciate yourself!! We easily find the flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings in ourselves and feel guilty or uncomfortable for giving ourselves a silent/mental compliment let alone out loud. And the GREATEST of all of these IS LOVE! Loving myself today...why don't you join me??
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What's in your heart?
The bible says, " For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). What's in your heart? Negativity, envy, hatred, bitterness, insecurites, unforgiveness, defeat, no sense of direction, no true feeling of accomplishment or success, not knowing what you want to do with your life, etc. This is how the devil wants you to feel, he is having a pity party on you right now. Just as long as you continue to feel and think this way about yourself, you will remain in the rut you are in. But if you begin to think positive about yourself, about your circustance inspite of what is right now, by changing what's in your heart and how you look at yourself each morning, then and only then will your life begin to change for the better.
As I am posting this comment, I feel the holy spirit upon me. When you begin to step outside of the carnal realm and into the spiritual realm, moving from the outer courts into the inner courts, you begin to see things you never seen before but you have seen the same thing a million times. I am watching the movie "The Distinguised Gentlemen" with Eddie Murphy, where he is a two-bit hustler, hustling the congressman out of his money. But you see, you might be a hustler this day, a drug dealer, prostitue, a crack head or whatever else, but when God puts you in the right place at the right time according to his will and his purpose, he will put the right people in your life and no one would ever know that's why you were there. In this movie Eddie Murphy was there for his purpose, to get money from the congressman through bribery, but after overhearing a conversation, his mind begin to think different and he, which was a nobody but a man without a dream or a vision other than robbing people became a self taught congressman. People were put in his life that help him succeed at something he had no clue about. His speech consisted of one sentence, and people excepted that. He went from thinking negative and doing negative things to doing positive, and My God, did his life turn around? Absolutely! I know you may be saying, that's TV, no that's life. God promised to have life and that more abundantly, but we have to cast all negativity out and allow positivity in our lives. So my word to you today is to think about what your thinking about. If you find yourself thinking negative, begin to think positive and eventually it will become second nature to think positive and you will feel positive and then will your life change and also be positive. What's in your heart?
As I am posting this comment, I feel the holy spirit upon me. When you begin to step outside of the carnal realm and into the spiritual realm, moving from the outer courts into the inner courts, you begin to see things you never seen before but you have seen the same thing a million times. I am watching the movie "The Distinguised Gentlemen" with Eddie Murphy, where he is a two-bit hustler, hustling the congressman out of his money. But you see, you might be a hustler this day, a drug dealer, prostitue, a crack head or whatever else, but when God puts you in the right place at the right time according to his will and his purpose, he will put the right people in your life and no one would ever know that's why you were there. In this movie Eddie Murphy was there for his purpose, to get money from the congressman through bribery, but after overhearing a conversation, his mind begin to think different and he, which was a nobody but a man without a dream or a vision other than robbing people became a self taught congressman. People were put in his life that help him succeed at something he had no clue about. His speech consisted of one sentence, and people excepted that. He went from thinking negative and doing negative things to doing positive, and My God, did his life turn around? Absolutely! I know you may be saying, that's TV, no that's life. God promised to have life and that more abundantly, but we have to cast all negativity out and allow positivity in our lives. So my word to you today is to think about what your thinking about. If you find yourself thinking negative, begin to think positive and eventually it will become second nature to think positive and you will feel positive and then will your life change and also be positive. What's in your heart?
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